Monday, April 20, 2009

Here's a few quick picture's, as you can see from Jacksons expression he really doesn't dig the whole baby thing. I think he knows whats coming, crawling, walking = destroying my stuff !!! He, He, gotta love babies. Lauren, Grace and Hubby are all settled now in N.C. I just know we'll be making a quick trip real soon, need to get my fix and hold the baby for a while, then I'll be fine. The bottom pic is our famous panda at the National Zoo, I think it's the momma bear, funny, I tell the boy's that's what I am.

Sorry I was such a downer last night, just felt kinda down. All better today, It's been raining like crazy today so needless to say nothing got done that should of gotten done. Jackson had a wonderful day back at school and is probably loving not being able to lift anything, hopefully he's not milking it for what it's worth. This is going to be a short post, it's late and I'm tired.
Thanks for checking in on us.

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