Thursday, April 16, 2009


Nothing like a couple of inflamed lymph nodes to set a whole family into a nervous frenzy. That's actually putting it mildly by the way, my hair has turned another shade whiter and last night I believe I was the sickest I've been in quiet a while. Dr. Dome called at around 6 this evening to let me know that it was indeed inflamed lymph node's and we'll probably never know what caused them. Thank God, this is all we had to deal with. Our whole family is breathing much easier, I think there's going to be some good sleeping tonight. As for the wacky blood work we're going to keep an eye on it with regular checks. Scans as usual for now, next one should be in July. They're sure the nodule on the lung is exactly what they stated, a lymph node and the kidney is scarring not a rest like was originally thought. I'll try to update some new pics tomorrow of the zoo and Easter. God Bless and Thank you from the bottom of our heart's for all the loving thoughts and beautiful prayer's.

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